I am not perfect, far from it. My house is rarely clean. My meals are not always planned. The clothes are not always washed and put away. The good news is we have friends that overlook our messies, we have eaten every meal and no one has ever gone to school in their undies. Some people claim there's a woman to blame but I know, it is my own kids fault!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Is squeamish a real word? It explains how I feel about my poor dog Buddy right now. He and his best friend Bear recently added a new "brother" Toby. Because of this new addition, and according to our trusty $$ vet, they feel the intense need to express their manliness (even though it was removed years ago) to see who is now king of the castle..ie back yard. Fortunately, Toby, weighing in at a whopping 7 pounds, has no need to express this manliness, maybe because his has not yet been taken, or maybe because he is not large enough to be an appetizer to his larger brothers.
As we are putting the dogs to bed in their kennels, we don't know exactly what happened, just that Buddy has a rather large puncture wound on his chest and think it may need stitches. After taking him to the trusty $$ vet the next day, we fill in the good $$ doctor $$ and conclude that in order to express his kinghood of the back yard, Bear thinks it is a good idea to take Buddy by the chest and shake all 80+ pounds of him. In so doing, Bear merely leaves one puncture but underneath tore all the fat and muscle away from each other, leaving a huge gap for infection. Guess how they get the infection out? They $$ cut open a hole in his chest, clean $$ it out, and leave it OPEN! ewww... so all the infection will continue to drain for the next two WEEKS! Did I forget to tell you I am squeamish? Did I tell you my husband is traveling this week so it will be up to Moi to clean it out? I am hoping for a little down time, now that school is out but instead, I have added another "child". Oh, and he can't go outside except to potty because if a fly were to land on it, it might leave eggs which make for maggots! Oh, and give him two capsules twice a day. Oh, and clean the wound twice a day... and don't let him lick it. Oh, and start training Bear that Buddy and I are superior to him, letting him watch Buddy eat first, potty first, etc. Take away most of Bear's priviledges... and retrain him.
Did I mention I am squeamish? His insides are still hanging out! Hellooooo! What happened to stitches??????
Good thing I don't have any other kids or anything else to do!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Five W's ..sort of ...

I know I have a lot of thoughts go through my head during the day (which could be debated) and think, if I had a blog, I would write about that. Now I am here to expel my wonderful knowledge and my peanut brain is empty. When I was in school, I always heard when you are stuck writing a paper, start with the Who, What, Where, When, & Why...and sometimes How... and then it should be much easier after that.
Who I am is Terri, the woman usually to blame when things go haywire around the home.
What do I do? I am the mom to four wild, woolly, but wonderful (most of the time) boys ages 11, 9, 6, and 4. I cook the food, chauffeur, wash laundry, occasionally put it away, sometimes clean the house, teach at MDO, and anything else most mom's do. Things I really like to do are working in the yard, crafty stuff, paint, redecorate, and most of all take pictures.
Where do I live? Well, let's just say I am in the Heart of Dixie.
When was I born? Sept 2 in 19XX.
Why do I do what I do? It depends on what it is. I try to do what is right because I am a child of God and it makes Him happy. Anytime I don't do what is right, it usually bites me in the hinny and doesn't make me happy anyway. Paul had a lot to say about this.
How do I do it all? It must be the grace of God because there is not other way to get everything done that I need or want to.
Oh, and just for fun..Things I really want to do more of or have never done:
Photography, putting the actual fruits of my labor on the walls and around the house.
Travel!!! Italy is toward the top of my list..also Alaska, the Carribean, and Germany.
And one of the ultimates for me would be to go on a photo travel shoot like I see in the magazines.