I am not perfect, far from it. My house is rarely clean. My meals are not always planned. The clothes are not always washed and put away. The good news is we have friends that overlook our messies, we have eaten every meal and no one has ever gone to school in their undies. Some people claim there's a woman to blame but I know, it is my own kids fault!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Is it too late?

Ok, it has been awhile since I have "blogged" and a lot has happened. Too much to ever put into print, but gimme a glass of red wine & ya might hear about some of it. I often say "this too shall pass" but really do we want our lives to pass by so quickly? Seems like only a few day ago I had all these great plans of things I wanted do in my life and now I am approaching a number I don't want to think about. I ask myself, what have I actually done to make these dreams happen? There are a few biggies that I wouldn't trade for anything, but else what have I done that was close to my heart? What have I done to give me a personal sense of accomplishment or leave a legacy? Did I even realize back then the longings created if I didn't make time for them? I guess after seeing others accomplish so much and watching others do the things I want to do, I am having my "mid-life crisis". I know God has always had a plan for my life, and I have tried to follow it. Am I being challenged to do something else? What is it? I need the adreneline. I love the thrill of the unknown. I want something good and need it soon!

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